Counseling Services
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy are joint partnerships between you and your therapist. It's an opportunity to talk about life's stressors, recognize emotions, identify unhealthy behaviors, and inspire change. This partnership assures that you don't need to face these challenges alone.
Please speak to a therapist directly regarding Couples & Marriage therapy options.
Child and Adolescent Therapy
Relationship and trust is key in any therapeutic relationship, especially when working with children. It is important that the child or adolescent feels comfortable and understood. These feelings can be cultivated in a safe and welcoming environment. Children are not just small adults. They think and understand the world very differently. Therapy is designed to help each person in the age development and situation they are in. As always, the length of therapy is determined by the complexity and severity of the issue(s), and your therapist is here to help determine this through developing a treatment plan that best meets your needs.
Grief and Loss Therapy
Everyone experiences loss at some point in their life, and these losses can stem from a variety of things. Grief is often associated with loss but it is not only limited to feelings of sadness. Grief can also involve feelings of guilt, regret, and anger. Therapy can help you navigate these emotions and find a sense of peace and comfort in your journey.
Maternal Health Therapy
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common complication women experience during pregnancy and after childbirth. These conditions are treatable, and with early detection, therapy, self-care, and possible medication management, you can begin to feel at your best.